HUD’s Final Rule on Harassment

Date: April 9, 2021
Time: 01:00 PM ET
Duration: 60 Minutes
Speaker: Paul Flogstad



We will discuss best practices as far as what property owners and managers should do to help prevent and address harassment. A major concern for property managers and owners is their liability if they do not get involved in any issues of harassment.

A property owner or manager may be either directly or vicariously liable for sexual harassment as well as other issues between tenants. You must now get involved or you can be held liable for a fair housing violation. This will be discussed in detail.

Session highlights:

The Fair Housing Act prohibits harassment, retaliation, and other types of discrimination in housing because of race, color, religion, sex, disability, familial status (households with children under age 18, including persons seeking custody or who are pregnant), or national origin.

Benefits of attending session:

  • We will cover all types of harassment and explain what they are and what can be done to prevent them. They are:
    • Sexual harassment
    • Quid pro quo
    • Hostile environment
  • We will also discuss what duties do property owners or property managers have to prevent or stop sexual harassment
  • HUD’s Equal Access Rule prohibits owners with Housing Assistance Payments (HAP) contracts from making housing unavailable because of an applicant’s or resident’s actual or perceived sexual orientation, gender identity or marital status

Who should attend?

  • Property Managers
  • Property owners
  • Leasing agents
  • Builders
  • Developers
  • Realtors
  • Housing Authorities


Paul Flogstad

Paul has been involved in the real estate industry for the past 38 years. He has been involved in sales, construction, project management, appraisal, mortgage consulting and brokerage, property management and property management consulting/training.

Through his consulting company, Property Management Solutions, he provides training and consulting services nationwide to owners, management companies, multi-housing associations, as well as state and federal agencies.
He specializes in fair housing issues and has developed fair housing and outreach programs for governmental agencies as well as conducting seminars which are presented to property management companies, apartment associations and the general public. He also conducts research analysis for impediments to fair housing for grantees of federal CDBG funds.

Most recently, he has been a consultant to the City of Sioux Falls and the State of South Dakota. In this assignment he has developed a fair housing awareness program that is one of the first of its kind in the nation. It involves a three pronged approach to fair housing awareness. This approach makes use of an ombudsman concept and has proven to be very effective in dealing with discrimination and landlord/tenant issues.

For over twenty years was involved in appraisal of residential, multi-family, farm and commercial properties throughout the Midwest. Most recently, he was a consultant for affordable, multi-housing properties in 22 different states. This involved properties in HUD, Rural Development, HOME and Tax Credit programs.